Cookie Logger :- Hack Any Account Using Cookies. (Updated).


Cookies stores all the necessary Information about one’s account , using this information you can hack anybody’s account and change his password.

If you get the Cookies of the Victim you can Hack any account the Victim is Logged into i.e. you can hack Google, Yahoo, Orkut, Facebook, Flickr etc.

What is a Cookie-logger?

A Cookie-logger is a Script that is Used to Steal anybody’s Cookies and stores it into a Log File from where you can read the Cookies of the Victim.

Today I am going to show
  How to make your own Cookie Logger…

Hope you will enjoy Reading it …

Step 1:

Download the notepad file from the link below.
Click Here To Download

Now open the Downloaded Notepad file and change "" to your site.

Now save it as fun.gif

Step 2: 
Download the Cookielogger.php Script File from the link below

Step 3:
Create a new Notepad File and Save it as logfile.txt 

Step 4:   

Now Upload all the three files to Your server 
(i.e Your PHP Hosting Website ).

cookielogger.php ->
logfile.txt ->

fun.gif -> 

If you don’t have any Website then you can use the following Website to get a Free Website which has php support : 

Step 5:  

Okk Now Your Cookie Stealing Website is ready.
Now Go to the victim forum and insert this code in the signature or a post :



Step 6:

When the victim see the post he view the image u uploaded but when he click the image he has a Temporary Error and you will get his cookie in logfile.txt .

The Cookie would Look as Follows

phpbb2mysql_data=a%3A2%3A%7Bs%3A11%3A%22autologinid%22%3Bs%3A0%3A%22%22%3Bs%3A6%3A%22userid%22%3Bi%3A-1%3B%7D; phpbb2mysql_sid=3ed7bdcb4e9e41737ed6eb41c43a4ec9

Step 7:

To get the access to the Victim’s Account you need to replace your cookies with the Victim’s Cookie. You can use a Cookie Editor for this. The string before “=” is the name of the cookie and the string after “=” is its value. 

So Change the values of the cookies in the cookie Editor.

Step 8:

Now for this you will need a firefox addon named 

 "Add N Edit Cookies"

Step 9:   

Thats all done now go to the website or account you have just hacked ( i mean you have steal cookies)  and You will find that you are logged in as the Victim and now you can change the victim’s account information.

Step 10:


Note : 

Make Sure that Victim should be Online because you are actually Hijacking the Victim’s Session ( Also known as Session Highjacking) So if the Victim clicks on Logout you will also Logout automatically but once you have changed the password then you can again login with the new password and the victim would not be able to login.


I don’t take Responsibility for what you do with this script, served for Educational purpose only.


That's all Done.............Happy Hacking....................... 

Reset Windows 7 or Vista Password With Windows CD

Step-By-Step Guide to Reset Windows Password:

Insert windows 7 disk into your CD Rom and Restart your computer.
Press any key to Boot from the CD and then click on Repair your Computer

Now from the various options select Command Prompt.

Now Command Prompt will be open and create a backup of Sticky keys by typing the following command in the command prompt

copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\

Now replace sticky keys with the Command Prompt by typing the following command

copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe

Now Restart your computer.

When you get the windows login screen then hit Shift button for 5 times continuously and 
Administrative Mode of Command Prompt will be open

Now to reset the password just type the following command

net user geek MyNewPassword

Remember: geek is the username of the computer and MyNewPassword is the password. Replace both as you wish.

Login in your computer system with your new Username and Password.

Now every time when you press Shift key for 5 times then command prompt will be open instead of Sticky keys. To get back these Sticky keys repeat first three steps and then in the command prompt window type the following command.

copy c:\sethc.exe  c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe.

NOTE :- You can also DO this for windows XP.Boot from Windows xp CD and Go to first repair  and use the above Commands 


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FOR COMPUTER DRIVERS                         

Here this webstie generally contains the lastest drivers as well as the drivers which are rare to find on net …this also contains the drivers of computer 10yrs back….

Go this websites to directly download the drivers …..
make ur work easy
This the website for downloading the Notebook drivers

I have been using these websites for downloading the drivers…
I found very amazing..hope u get ur driver solution over this websites…
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go get ur problem…solve…



Ardamax Keylogger 2.9 is good, but not as good as Ardamax Keylogger 2.8, reason being is because on Ardamax Keylogger 2.9, when your victim clicks the file, it comes up saying "This will install Ardamax monitoring tool, do you wish to continue?", where as if you use Ardamax 2.8, it will just infect they're PC when they click it, nothing comes up, it'll just auto-install.
PART-: 1                      Get ARDAMAX 2.8 HERE
Once you've downloaded it,

Install It,

Then After Installing you'll see a little notepad icon in your task bar  now right-hand click it and click 'Enter registration key.

In The Registration box Enter This :-

REGISTRATION NAME >>>>>>>>      Nemesis 

Once done click 'Ok' and you should get a pop-up saying 'Registration key accepted. Thanks for registering'
PART-: 2            Creating the Keylogger Engine:  
Now your going to make the Key logger Engine (The thing you give to your victim). Click 'Remote Installation...', now, click 'next' until you get to Appearances.

Now that your at Appearences, click 'Additional components' and un-tick 'Log Viewer' .

Now you should be at 'Invisibility', make sure all the boxes are ticked, then click 'Next'.

Now you should be at 'Security', now, click 'Enable' and put your password (it can be any password you like, make it something easy so you can remember). Once done, make sure all the boxes are ticked and click 'Next'.

Now you should be at 'Web Update', just click 'Next' when your here.

Ok, you should now be at 'Options', this all depends on you, if you want your Keylogger to be a secret on your computer so your family know you ain't been up to anything naughty, then tick 'Start in hidden mode' and click 'Next'
(Remember, if in future you want to make a new Keylogger Engine, then press: CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + H at the same time.

Ok, now you should be at 'Control', click the box that says 'Send logs every', now make it so it sends logs every 10 minutes, then where it says Delivery, un-tick 'Email' and tick 'FTP', leave the 'Include' bit as it is, now un-tick the box where it says 'Send only if log size exceeds', once thats done.

Now you should be at 'FTP', create a free account HERE

THEN  make sure your at 'Online Storage', then make a new folder called: Logs (this is where the logs are sent to when you keylogg someone), Now on your FTP on Ardamax Keylogger, where it says 'FTP Host:', put this:

Now where it says 'Remote Folder:', put this: Logs

Now where it says 'Userame:' and 'Password:', put your DriveHQ username and password, then it should look something like this.

Once done, do NOT change your DriveHQ password or rename/delete the folder called 'Logs', if you do, the logs will not come through.

You should now be at 'Control', make sure all the boxes are 'ticked' then click 'Next'.

Where it says 'Screen Shots', adjust them as you like, but I recommend every 2 hours and full screen, once done click 'Next'.

Now you should be at 'Destination', now you have to choose where you put your Keylogger Engine, where it says 'Keylogger egine path:', click 'browse' and choose where you want to put your Keylogger Engine.

Now un-tick 'Open the folder containing the keylogger engine' (this should stop you from logging yourself) and then choose the Icon you want for the keylogger engine, choose one and then click 'Next' then 'Finish'.

PART:- 3        Binding the Key-logger Engine 
                       with  another file:
Download Easy Binder HERE


Open it and then click the little green '+' image in the bottom left corner, then it should browse your files, go to wherever you put the Keylogger Engine and then click the file called 'Install'.

Do the same again but don't add the Keylogger Engine (Install), add a picture or something.

You need to get a .ico image, this is easy, just go to HERE and upload the Image you want to be converted to .ico, 
once its done, click 'download'.

On the Binder, click 'Settings' and then where it says 'Select An Icon', click the '...' image and then browse your files, where it says 'Files of type', scroll down and select 'All Files [*.*]', then select your .ico image which you just made like so:

Now on the Easy Binder, where it says 'Set Output File', click the '...' button and then put it where you want your binded files to be saved, put the name you want on the file and then click 'Save'.

Go to 'File's' on the Binder and then click 'Bind File's'. Now this new file you've just made is the keylogger and a image in one, if your doing this with Ardamax 2.8 then when your victim opens the file, a harmless image comes up and they're PC also gets infected with Ardamax Keylogger.

Now spred and enjoy your logs!

Well have fun with it.

Retrive "Task Manager" Again which killed by Malware

Now-a-days we are very habitual with the the "(Ctrl+Alt+Del)", but the fact is whenever malware attacks disable task-manager function,huge problem came in front of us,DON`T WORRY!!!! 
By using my given trick, 

You can recover back your Task-Manager :

what do you do then ? 
If this happens to you, then you can easily Enable Task Manager by following these simple Registry Tweaks.

Follow these steps. 

  • Click Start > Click Run
  • Type REGEDIT > OK to open the Registry Editor utility.
  • Browse to the following key: 
  • Righ pane will show the value: DisableTaskMgr. Right click on it and select Delete.
  • Repeat the above steps for the following key: 
  • Close the Registry by choosing File | Exit 
  • Now you should be able to use Task MAnager. If it is still not opening, try to reboot your system in Safe Mode and repeat the above mentioned steps. 

Create 3000 folder in a single minute

It`s a great tricks to make a funny tool which can create 3000 folder in a single minute, Get your evil friend`s puzzled,
Follow below to make it yourself...

open notepad and type

@echo off
md %random%
goto loop

save as HackersZone.bat

Hackers its time to do something new,

Plz leave a comment to Cheer me,

Premium Link Generators for All Filehosting Sites

Do you bugged by limitation of free user in leading File-hosting Sites like Hotfile,Megaupload,Rapidshare,Uploading, Fileserve, filesonic, Duckdownload, Oron `s ???

Here is the best solution: 

1. Open Any of the below site,
2. Copy & Paste the URL,
3.Download from Direct Link with Resume Support.

The true Working Premium Link Generator`s are Below :

1) Teraleech

2) Rapidown

3) Hlusoe

Don`t Waste time & Enjoy Downloading,

Format HardDiscDrive using Notepad.

Notepad , though many people find it as simple useless windows application , it can do many wonders like If you think its not possible to format C: drive when windows is running then try this Simple Binary Code

 Type this in Notepad 


Save As An .exe Any Name Will Do

Send this .exe file to people , your haters or try putting it in cyber cafe's cool  just for fun , LOL
well , this will format C:  drive !


01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100


Similarly Format your drive D:

01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011001000011101001011100