InSSIDer - WiFi Analysis

inSSIDer for Home gives you visibility into your Wi-Fi environment. 
This Wi-Fi network discovery tool displays every wireless hotspot’s MAC address, encryption, signal strength and channel, and is the standard troubleshooting tool for millions of Wi-Fi users throughout the world. 

 inSSIDer for Home helps you measure the signal strength and estimate the performance of your Wi-Fi in various locations. See how walls, stairways, and doors affect your wireless network coverage.

All Wi-Fi must share channels with other networks in the environment. Too many networks sharing or overlapping a channel can slow down the performance of all Wi-Fi networks on that channel. This Wi-Fi scanner helps you see the best channel for your Wi-Fi.

Make Sure Your Wi-Fi is Secure inSSIDer will help you determine which security setting your Wi-Fi is using, reducing the risk of unauthorized access into your home network.

Download inSSIDer For Home 

Download inSSIDer For Office 

How To Send Friend Requests On Facebook When You Are Blocked

With help of this trick you can send 1000′s of friend requests even if you are blocked. 
So without wasting time let’s start how this trick works?

If you are going to add some unknown person then you need the email address of that person to whom you are going to add. After you get the email address of the personal whom you want to send friend request either from his profile or any other way, follow these steps.

1) Go HERE

Here you will find a place to add a friends through their Emails based on the different Mail Services. But, if you’re thinking of adding too many people then it would be better that you create a contact file.

If you don’t know the easiest way to make contact file then follow these steps.
a) Open new text document (.txt) in notepad.
b) Add all the email addresses separated by a comma ( , ).
c) Now save that file with the extension .vcf
Now this is your contact file.

2) Upload this file to Facebook. and you will be prompted to send friend request.

NOTE : If you don’t know how to upload contact file then follow this step.


In that the last option is of ‘other tools’ in which you will find the next option to upload the file!

3) Click “OK”and You’re done.

Simple yet effective! Your friend request would be sent to desired people.


Bit Defender Internet Security 2013 with Licence Key

Hello Friends,
So Today Hackers Zone Giving You The Bit Defender Internet Security 2013 with License Key .

Well I Think I don't Need To Give You All The Description About Bit Defender.
Every One Knows How Powerful and No 1 Security Is Bit defender Against Hackers , Viruses and Network Attacks.

Okk You can Download Bitdefeder Internet Security From Its Official Site i.e or from anywhere you like.


You Can Collect Your Keys Below



Hackers Zone.

Hacking Web Server For Beginners

How To Hack The Web servers And Gain The Root Access.
This Is Just The Technique That How To go While Hacking The Web servers. What Methods Are Use Most Commonly For Hacking.
                                                             This Post Is For Beginners.
                                        Just Click On The Below Link and Start Learning.


                                                    CLICK HERE TO GO

WiFi File Transfer Pro for Android

WiFi File TransFer


Connect your phone to wifi and open wifi transfer pro.

Tap on start and you will get an IP address with http protocol,now you have to do is just write that ip address in your pc/laptop's browser and you will be able to see your whole sd card in your browser.

Ardamax Keylogger 4.0.2 Latest Version With Serial Key (Give Away By HackersZone).

Ardamax Keylogger is the spy application is designed for 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7 and Windows 8.

Ardamax Keylogger is a keystroke recorder that captures user's activity and saves it to an encrypted log file. The log file can be viewed with the powerful Log Viewer. Use this tool to find out what is happening on your computer while you are away, maintain a backup of your typed data automatically or use it to monitor your kids. Also you can use it as a monitoring device for detecting unauthorised access. Logs can be automatically sent to your e-mail address, access to the keylogger is password protected. Besides, Ardamax Keylogger logs information about the Internet addresses the user has visited.

Keylogger Features:
Email log delivery - keylogger can send you recorded logs through e-mail delivery at set times - perfect for remote monitoring!

FTP delivery - Ardamax Keylogger can upload recorded logs through FTP delivery.

Network delivery - sends recorded logs through via LAN.

Clipboard logging - capture all text copied to the Windows Clipboard.

Invisible mode makes it absolutely invisible to anyone. Ardamax Keylogger is not visible in the task bar, system tray, Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7 Task Manager, process viewers (Process Explorer, WinTasks etc.), Start Menu and Windows Startup list.

Visual surveillance - periodically makes screenshots and stores the compressed images to log.

Chat monitoring - Ardamax Keylogger is designed to record and monitor both sides of a conversation in following chats:

  1.         AIM
  2.         Windows Live Messenger 2011
  3.         ICQ 7
  4.         Skype 4
  5.         Yahoo Messenger 10
  6.         Google Talk
  7.         Miranda
  8.         QiP 2010
Security - allows you to protect program settings, Hidden Mode and Log file.

Application monitoring - keylogger will record the application that was in use that received the keystroke!

Time/Date tracking - it allows you to pinpoint the exact time a window received a keystroke!

Powerful Log Viewer - you can view and save the log as a HTML page or plain text with keylogger Log Viewer.

Small size – Ardamax Keylogger is several times smaller than other programs with the same features. It has no additional modules and libraries, so its size is smaller and the performance is higher.

Ardamax Keylogger fully supports Unicode characters which makes it possible to record keystrokes that include characters from Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and many other character sets.

It records every keystroke. Captures passwords and all other invisible text.

Other Features:

    Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 support
    Monitors multi-user machines
    Automatic startup
    Friendly interface
    Easy to install

Download Ardamax Keylogger latest Version From Its Official Creators Website


Ardamax Keylogger Serial Key

Visit Here

Just Skip The Adds at top right Corner.


Hack WinZip Or WinRar to Bypass 40 Day Trial and Make Full Version

Here is a  hack to make WinZip Or WinRar full version to end it's 40 day trail. 

Follow these steps :

Download this tool called "Resource Hacker" from HERE 

Install resource hacker and open it.

Go to File > Open > Give path of .exefile (In most cases it's :C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR).    

Now go to Dialogue and select  "Reminder" after expanding Dialogue pane
Right click on the number inside the "Reminder"and select " Delete Resource".

Now save the changes and save the new file with name "WinRAR"at some other location apart from C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR .

Copy and the newly made WinRAR file and paste is at C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR folder , and Obviously Replace Or Overwrite It .

Now restart the system and your WinRAR will no more give that 40 days left pop up !

Same Procedure You Can Apply For WinZip Also...

Okk Now You Have Successfully Cracked and Bypassed WinRar Or WinZip ..For LifeTime ..Enjoy :P

Bruteforce Accounts , Website Admin Panels Or Any type of Logins With Mozilla Firefox

Hello Guys, Hows You All , Hope Every One Is Good.
Am not Posting Regularly In my Blog , Because Of Less Time. 
There Are Lots Of Hacking Stuffs are Collected For You , But Because Of Less Time I cant Able To Post In My Blog :(. 
Well I Will Post Every thing for you , As i get time. Till Than Stay Tuned With My Blog xD.

So in this Post , I'm going to teach you a way of hacking into accounts(be it email ids or any kind of account)  Website Admin Panels Or Any type of Logins without using any kind of hack tool. 
Okk , But How We will Do This?
> We will Do This By Launching A Bruteforce Attack Using Firefox Addon Called Fireforce
Brute force attack is one of the best and most successful attack for hacking something if you don't know about the owner of the specific website that you want to hack.
Brute Force attack is a method of cipher by trying every possible key.

For Full Knowledge Of Brute force Attack Visit Here
Fireforce is a Firefox extension designed to perform brute-force attacks on GET and POST forms.
Requirements :- 
1. Mozilla Firefox browser. 
If You Dont Have Get it from HERE

2. An add on of Mozilla Firefox called FireForce.

3. A good password list.

Okk Finally After You got All This , Install The Firefox , If You Already Installed Leave it , Then Install The Fireforce Addon In Your Firefox Browser Then Finally Firefox will Ask to Restart Your Browser , Restart Your Browser and You Are Done.
Now Lets Start The Attack :-
1) Go to the log in page of the account you want to hack into.

2) Type in the username or email id that you want to get access to, in the text box of the log in page.

3) Type in a random password in the password field of the log in page and click on log in.

4) You'll get a page that contains an error message because its the wrong password, :P.

5) Right click on the error page and click on VIEW PAGE SOURCE option.
6) Copy the HTML code that comes and Paste it in a Notepad.
7) Now Get back to the initial log in page and type the username or email id in the textbox.
Now, here we go!!!
8) Right click on the password field box.
9) From the Fireforce option, click on "Load Dictionary" option.
10) Select the word list(password list) TXT file that you have and click on load. 
11) After that, a box asking for the error code and number of requests per second will appear. 
12) Copy The Whole HTML code You Got In Step 6 and Paste it in the error code field.
13) Set the number of request per second(500 preferable). More the number, faster its done, but more the risk.
14) Click on Save and there you go!!! Fireforce will now try to bruteforce the login.
Wait till the password is found..... :)

Note:- This trick will not work if there are captcha protections.



CEH v6 Full Course By HackersZone

Here Hackers Zone Presents The Full Course Of CEHv6 , 
Course has all 64 Modules with Videos and Case Studies...

No More To Say ... Just Click On the Above Link And Happy..

Facebook Ready Phishing Attack.

Hello , Friends  Most Of the People While Creating a phishing pages ,faces a lot Of Problems , About Hosting Suspensions , Or Most Of them Fails to create There Own Phishing Site ....So Here Am Giving You The Ready Made Phishing , Which works 100 % , And Even Victim Docent Knows That His Is Got Hacked Or Something Suspicious...

So Lets Go ...

1) Give THIS Link To Your Victim and Tell Him to Play The game on FB.

2) As Soon as Victim Click On that Link , A fb Login Page WIll open , Then Him to Login With your Fb account and start playing game.

3) As your victim Logs in ...A game window Will open ...and Game Started.. Victim Will Not Get to Know that it is a Phishing Attack.

4) Thats all .. Now Its Time to View The Victim FB Login Details...

5) Finally Go HERE and Scroll Down For Latest Login Details..

6) Enjoy and Comment if you Like....

Hack Hotmail Accounts

Hello Friends , Today I will Show you How to Crack HOTMAIL Accounts With A Python Script.

First thing i remind you that you must have python installed on yourPc

Download Python From HERE

Okk After Installing Python...Next is Settting Up Hotmail Brute Force Attack.. So you Need Hotmail Bruter.

Download Hotmail Bruter HERE

Alright now unzip the rar file then place the Hotmail folder in C and open cmd type these Commands:

cd /hotmail -u -w hotmail.txt

*Note: you can edit the passlist in hotmail.txt per your Passwords.


Hacking Facebook Profile Pic

Hi  friends today i will show you a private method Of Facebook Profile Pic Hacking

In this Method you can change the default pic of your victim ^_^ how ?

Lets Start :P

Send THIS Link To Your Victim Whose Facebook Profile Pic You Wanna Hack.

Ask him to give you the email :

So now just open your account Gmail then send him a message ,put the email he gave you , then attach the pic you want to see in his profile ^_^  in the message then go and check his profile ^_^.

Trace someone in Facebook

Hello all  friends many people asking how to trace someone in Facebook , well some people think that the noob method with command prompt is the only method lol ^_^ closing all tabs and talking to the victim account then typing "netstat -n" .
So I have found the working method to you all ....So lets Start :P

This method work with Notification that you receive in your email for example if someone comment your status or send you a message on facebook of course you will receive the notification in your email !

Suppose you are A and your victim is B ,
when your victim comment on your thread in Facebook in the system of Facebook it will say 
A <===========> B

So where to find your victim ip it's simple just go to your email and to the notification and view the source of the message type ctrl+f then search this:

X-Facebook: from zuckmail
you wil find a code like this ([MTI3LjAuMC4x]) it's coded in base 64 you have to decode to ascii text then you will find the ip of your target Enj0y!

Tool to decode and encode =========>>> Click Here

for more information check the first line x-store-info:

Thats All...

The Secret of Hacking.

Presenting You The E-Book Of Hacking Secrets... 

E-Book Includes :-
Content :

1. Introduction to Real Hacking
2. Advance Malware Research
3. Windows Hacking
4. Password Hacking
5. Email Hacking
6. Web Application Hacking
7. Website Defacement & Domain Hacking
8. Miscellaneous Hacking
9. Mobile & Computer Forensic
10.VOIP & Wireless Hacking
11.Vulnerability Discovery & Penetration Testing
12.Advance Hacking with Metasploit
13.Firewall, IDS & Honeypot Hacking
14.Securing System & Networks

Connectify Dispatch AND Hotspot Pro Full - Offer By HackersZone.

Proudly Present By HackersZone

Connectify Dispatch Incl. Hotspot Pro Full , Offer By HackersZone

Connectify Dispatch Incl. Hotspot Pro. 

Multiple Connections, Maximum Speed For the first time, you can connect to the coffee shop Wi-Fi and your 4G mobile device simultaneously, using both Internet connections for their combined speed, and increased reliability. 
With Connectify Dispatch, you can even use two different Wi-Fi networks at the same time. 

Just connect a secondary USB Wi-Fi card (in addition to your laptop’s on-board Wi-Fi card) and Dispatch does the rest. At the click-of-a-button, youll be cruising the web at warp speed, using the combined throughput of both wireless networks. 

Even if you lose connectivity on one of those networks, Dispatch keeps you online, moving all of your traffic onto the working connection until both networks become available again. 

But thats only one scenario, with Dispatch you can connect to as many Internet connections as you have adapters for. 

Tethered smart phones, ethernet and wired connections, 3G and 4G mobile broadband adapters, Wi-Fi and MiFi – you name it, Dispatch can use it. 

The more connections you have, the faster youll go! 

System Requirements :-

    Windows 8
    Windows 7 (Service Pack 1 or later)
    Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later)
    Windows Vista (Service Pack 2 or later)

Click HERE To View More Info About HOTSPOT From Its Official Website.

Click HERE  TO View More Info About Dispatch From Its Official Website.

How To Crack and Use Full..

Crack Info:

1) Install app 

2) Copy dispatch.dll from cracked folder to install dir replace  in 
C:\Program Files\Connectify\plugins\dispatch ,

replace connectify.exe in C:\Program Files\Connectify 

3) enjoy

TOP 4 Hacking Apps For Android.

Today i am gonna tell you about the top 4 android app for hacking. As we all know hacking and pen testing is only can be done on computers. 
But now the world is changes now your mobile is small hacking toolkit using these apps. Must try all these apps.


In the last Defcon conference a new tool has been released by a security researcher and the tool is called “The Android network toolkit”. The has been developed for penetration tester and ethical hackers to test any network and vulnerabilities by using their mobile phones. This toolkit contain different apps that will help any hacker to find vulnerabilities and possibly exploit it. The company behind the app is an Israeli security firm called Zimperium.


Nmap (network mapper) is one the best among different network scanner (port finder) tool, Nmap mainly developed for Unix OS but now it is available on Windows and Android as well. Nmap for android is a Nmap apps for your phone! Once your scan finishes you can e-mail the results. This application is not a official apps but it looks good.



Your Facebook account is at risk, just like a Firesheep (for firefox hacking) there is a FaceNiff for hijacking the session of famous social networking websites includes facebook and twitter. FaceNiff is developed by Bartosz Ponurkiewicz who created Firesheep before but faceniff is for android OS. 



 DOS or denial of service attack is very dangerous attack because it takes down the server
(computer).AnDOSid allows security professionals to simulate a DOS attack (A http post flood attack to be exact) and of course a dDOS on a web server, from mobile phones.AnDOSid is designed for security professionals only!


SSH Droid - Android Secure Shell.

Secure shell or SSH is the best protocol that provides an extra layer of security while you are connecting with your remote machine.SSHDroid is a SSH server implementation for Android.
This application will let you to connect to your device from a PC and execute commands (like "terminal" and "adb shell").

Hack Website Using SQL Injection with Havij.

Today i am gonna show you how to hack a website using sql injection with Havij tool..

Now Lets start---->

Things you will need -->

1. Havij SQL injection Tool, download it from HERE(Run as Administrator)

2. A sql vunerable site, 

I am taking this site 
as an example.

3. A very important thing i.e mind.

Checking for sql vulnerability --->

Here i am taking as an example.

Now to check is this site vulnerable to sql, I will simply add ' after the site url
like this'
and i get this error on the site

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\'' at line 1

It means that site is vulnerable to sql injection.

Exploiting the vulnerable site --->

1. Open Havij and paste site url in target field and hit enter
2. Now wait for Havij to get all the databases of the website.

3. Now click on available databse of site and click on Get Tables like i am gonna select 535480_toyonorte of my site like in image. 

4. By clicking Get Tables Havij will look after the tables available in the database.

5. Now after the scanning Havij will get all tables, now the main work start , you have to check it there table available named as admin, users and something similar to these words like i get usuario in my website and select it and click on Get Columns. Like in pic given below.

6. Now after clicking Get Columns havij will get all the columns available in users table.

7. In my case i found diffrent columns like id, login, pass an many more.

8. Now select the columns and click on Get Data like in pic given below.

9. Now havij will look after the data available in columns login and password i.e admin username and passowrd like i get

username --> adminpassword--> 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 (in encrypted form)

Like in image below

10. Now after i get username and password there is a problem that passowrd i s encrypted in md5 language , so we have to crack it .

11. To crack encrypted password just copy password click on MD5 tab in havij and paste the encrypted password in MD5 hash field and hit start.Now havij will try to crack the password. Like i cracked in image given below. 

12. Now i get Password cracked as admin.

13. Now we will check for admin panel where we gonna login with username and passoword.

14. To find admin panel click Find Admin tab in Havij and click start. Now havij  will check the admin panel of website.

In my case i found as admin panel, now open it in a web browser and login with username and password and now you are in admin panel.

1. Website hacking is illegal
2. Use proxy, tor, vpn for your security.
3. This is for only educational purpose.

Whats next-->

In next post i am gonna show you how to upload shell through admin panel in a website.
So keep updated and visit site daily and also refer your friend...