Hack WinZip Or WinRar to Bypass 40 Day Trial and Make Full Version

Here is a  hack to make WinZip Or WinRar full version to end it's 40 day trail. 

Follow these steps :

Download this tool called "Resource Hacker" from HERE 

Install resource hacker and open it.

Go to File > Open > Give path of .exefile (In most cases it's :C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR).    

Now go to Dialogue and select  "Reminder" after expanding Dialogue pane
Right click on the number inside the "Reminder"and select " Delete Resource".

Now save the changes and save the new file with name "WinRAR"at some other location apart from C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR .

Copy and the newly made WinRAR file and paste is at C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR folder , and Obviously Replace Or Overwrite It .

Now restart the system and your WinRAR will no more give that 40 days left pop up !

Same Procedure You Can Apply For WinZip Also...

Okk Now You Have Successfully Cracked and Bypassed WinRar Or WinZip ..For LifeTime ..Enjoy :P

Bruteforce Accounts , Website Admin Panels Or Any type of Logins With Mozilla Firefox

Hello Guys, Hows You All , Hope Every One Is Good.
Am not Posting Regularly In my Blog , Because Of Less Time. 
There Are Lots Of Hacking Stuffs are Collected For You , But Because Of Less Time I cant Able To Post In My Blog :(. 
Well I Will Post Every thing for you , As i get time. Till Than Stay Tuned With My Blog xD.

So in this Post , I'm going to teach you a way of hacking into accounts(be it email ids or any kind of account)  Website Admin Panels Or Any type of Logins without using any kind of hack tool. 
Okk , But How We will Do This?
> We will Do This By Launching A Bruteforce Attack Using Firefox Addon Called Fireforce
Brute force attack is one of the best and most successful attack for hacking something if you don't know about the owner of the specific website that you want to hack.
Brute Force attack is a method of cipher by trying every possible key.

For Full Knowledge Of Brute force Attack Visit Here
Fireforce is a Firefox extension designed to perform brute-force attacks on GET and POST forms.
Requirements :- 
1. Mozilla Firefox browser. 
If You Dont Have Get it from HERE

2. An add on of Mozilla Firefox called FireForce.

3. A good password list.

Okk Finally After You got All This , Install The Firefox , If You Already Installed Leave it , Then Install The Fireforce Addon In Your Firefox Browser Then Finally Firefox will Ask to Restart Your Browser , Restart Your Browser and You Are Done.
Now Lets Start The Attack :-
1) Go to the log in page of the account you want to hack into.

2) Type in the username or email id that you want to get access to, in the text box of the log in page.

3) Type in a random password in the password field of the log in page and click on log in.

4) You'll get a page that contains an error message because its the wrong password, :P.

5) Right click on the error page and click on VIEW PAGE SOURCE option.
6) Copy the HTML code that comes and Paste it in a Notepad.
7) Now Get back to the initial log in page and type the username or email id in the textbox.
Now, here we go!!!
8) Right click on the password field box.
9) From the Fireforce option, click on "Load Dictionary" option.
10) Select the word list(password list) TXT file that you have and click on load. 
11) After that, a box asking for the error code and number of requests per second will appear. 
12) Copy The Whole HTML code You Got In Step 6 and Paste it in the error code field.
13) Set the number of request per second(500 preferable). More the number, faster its done, but more the risk.
14) Click on Save and there you go!!! Fireforce will now try to bruteforce the login.
Wait till the password is found..... :)

Note:- This trick will not work if there are captcha protections.