Protect Your Folder From Anyone without any Software..!!! (Even Admin)

Guys, this is a trick in your PC to Prohibit any user (Even Admin OR YOURSELF) to access your Folder....
Because not everyone knows this trick.

We'll lock the folder from all the users...
Even your Self, Because we know that not every time though we are admin and we have our personal account....!!!

So, We will prohibit that folder from everone... Even Ourselves. Don't worry we will Unlock them too .

WARNING: It's better to try on non-usable OR NEW FOLDERS first for newbies 

Trick Steps:

1) Go to My Computer  > Tools  >  Folder Options  >  View  >

There is last option called "Use Simple File Sharing (Recommended)". 
Remove check from it.... then click "OK".

2) Go to that Folder which you want to secure (remove access) , and then right-click  on it and click Properties.

3) Go to tab "Security". There are listed "User Names" who can access that folder as written under: "Group OR Usernames"

4) Now, Click on advanced >
remove Check from....
"Inherit from Parent the permissions entries that apply..................."
> Click "Remove."

5) Click OK.

Now, try to access that folder, you will not be able to access it....

Back to Normal:

1) Just Go to Property > Security > Advanced >
& check that option again of
"Inherit from Parent the permissions entries that apply..................."

2) Click OK. Now you should able to access your folder again..

OR you can also add your users only from Property > Security > Advanced > Add > Advanced > Find now > "Select User".....